Free Products From Philips Tester Program

Philips is looking for people to become Philips Product testers. They need people to test their products and share their opinions.

About the Philips product tester program

With the Philips product tester platform, they want to know what you think about their new Philips products. This way you can share your thoughts about our products and help us to improve them. On this platform you can find information about the product test process in general but also about the different products test that you can enlist for or that they have done in the past. Want to join the Philips community? Then find a product test that you like and enlist!

Please note: Philips has learned about email scams regarding our product testing activities. Philips DOES NOT offer payment to consumers for product surveys or reviews. If you receive such emails, please delete and do not respond.

1. Sign up & Apply

Click here to sign up. After you’ve registered with the site and logged in, select a test that you are interested in and apply. We will inform you by e-mail if you are selected to participate in the test.

2. Receive product for free or at a reduced price

Depending on the type of test you can buy the product at reduced price in our online store – or they will send it to you free of charge. Again, Philips has learned about email scams regarding our product testing activities. Philips DOES NOT offer payment to consumers for product surveys or reviews. If you receive such emails, please delete and do not respond.

3. Try the product and submit your feedback

Test the product in detail and then write a comprehensive and meaningful evaluation.

4. Write a review

Indicate for which sites you have written a review and upload a screenshot or include a link if requested.

5. Retain your product

You have successfully completed the product test and you may keep the product.

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