
What is your dream? Have you fulfilled it or are you still working toward it?

I can tell you that I am still working toward my dream. But living out a dream I think starts with financial independence for most people because everyone has basic needs and someone has to pay the bills. So until that aspect of our lives is taken care of, it’s difficult to pursue our dreams.

That is why we are aggressively looking for investment opportunities and have tucked away significant savings into your investment portfolios. We are probably around 20-25% into where we want to be with our investments so we have much work to do. But one day hopefully we will be freed to not work for money, but for passion and sole benefit of others.

Of course, we also want to leave some money for our children (three of them), and hopefully it’ll be a significant sum that they can manage and continue to pass down to their children, in another word, a generational wealth. I don’t have the desire to be an ultra-wealthy person, but just someone who won’t have to worry about money.

Speaking of investment, the DOW Jones index was down quite a bit today, the S&P 500 was flat, and NASDAQ was up a bit, so overall our portfolio was very flat.

On another positive note, Saving For More just hit another milestone of hitting 500 subscribers today! Thank you everyone for joining this community. Next stop is 1000 subscribers. We are looking forward to bringing great value to a wider audience!

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